Media kit guidelines
Vimeo has made some of its trademarks available in this Media Kit
(“Vimeo Brand Assets”) which, by using or downloading, you agree to
use in accordance with these guidelines.
Logo and icon
Our official logo and icon
Logo and color
Our logo and its official color variations
Name: Viemo White RGB:
250 252 253 HEX: #FAFCFD
CMYK: 1, 0, 0, 0
Name: Viemo Blue RGB: 23
213 255 hEX: #17D5FF
CMYK: 60, 0, 2, 0
Name: Viemo White RGB:
250 252 253 HEX: #FAFCFD
CMYK: 1, 0, 0, 0
Logo in motion
To be used for video bumpers, partnerships, and social use cases.
Staff Pick laurels
Creators who receive a Staff Pick may use the official
Vimeo Staff Pick laurels to promote their chosen video,
pending adherence to our guidelines.
Have video integrity
Laurels can only be used in association with videos added to the Staff Picks channel that have Staff Pick laurels on
for video and video only
Do not use the Staff Pick laurel as your profile picture or in your profile cover video, or as a thumbnail of a separate version of the video.
One video, one award
Only one version of the video can have the Staff Pick laurel; however, associated crew may feature the award on their profiles through the “credits” section.
Download the Staff
Pick laurel
Additional honors
If your Staff Pick was included in any of the following
programs, you may use the appropriate image in
place of, or in addition to, the regular Staff Pick